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a positive place to do life, together.

Hey! I'm Marissa. Lover of all things Wellness, community and positivity.


I created this community for women. The women already in my life and all the women I hope to soon meet. I’m a girl who enjoys staying connected with all my girlfriends from different circles. You know, the few from high school you still actually talk to, the girls you met during bible study in someone’s living room, the girls from ALLLL of the different jobs you’ve had over the years, the Instagram friends that feel like real life besties, and the girl you randomly met in the ladies room at that concert you were dragged to… But something was missing for me. I wanted to create a space for all the incredible women in my life to come together. Blend the different circles. And if even just the THOUGHT of meeting other people gives you hives, you’re not alone. This is a space for you too. One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is how powerful women really are. And it may sound cliche to say but, TOGETHER, we are unstoppable.  

Blend this passion, with an absolute love for the city I’ve grown up in since ‘92… Temecula Valley, and it all comes full circle. The people, the small businesses, the friendships. (Hence why I took it a step further by helping families with their real estate needs to put roots down and get plugged into the Temecula Valley community.)

it’s peachy is a place safe from judgement and cattiness, but an inclusive place to share stories and dreams. A place where women can genuinely connect, build each other up, pray for and support one another. Get off the highlight reel of Instagram and be REAL with one another. Share in each other’s accomplishments.

What does this look like? Dive into the community through our Facebook group, Instagram page, newsletter, and both virtual and local events.

Whether you’re living your best single life or happily married, this is a place for you. Whether you’re a SAHM or woman in the workforce, this is a place for you. Whether you are killing it with your health game or don’t even know where to start, this is the place for you.  



“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight”

Proverbs 3:5